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Hunhui Na

I am a doctoral candidate in the Instructional Systems & Learning Technologies (ISLT) program at Florida State University. I worked as a K-12 public school teacher for 10 years before I began my Ph.D. journey. I also have rich software development experience across various languages and platforms, such as Unity3D (C#), Python, Android (Java or Kotlin), and Javascript. Based on these experiences, I have developed various educational software and applied these to classroom settings.

Based on my experiences and positionalities, I am interested in 1) self-directed learning of educators and students on social media and 2) designing technology-enhanced learning environments for students in STEM+CS.

More specifically, my research focuses on the following:

  • how and why early career teachers participate in social media for their informal professional learning 

  • how students develop computational thinking skills in online communities (e.g., Scratch)

  • Implementing immersive technologies (VR, AR, gamified content) into classroom contexts for STEM+CS education

  • understanding teachers’ role in integrating immersive technology within classroom contexts

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